Orovo sells several different diet pills and supplements including Orovo Original, Orovo Detox, Orovo Caffeine Free, Orovo X-Treme, Orovox Super Foods and Super Fruits drink, and an Orovo Multivitamin. The flagship products are the Orovo Original, and the Orovo Detox diet pills. Along with their promised weight loss and better health, is the Orovo multi level marketing (MLM) proposition, where you can become an "associate" and pay "Associate" prices instead of retail prices - which is on average, a 50% discount. The combination of weight loss pills and MLM is not something you see everyday!
The basis of Orovo is the 10 super foods which are:
The popular trend of the "10 super foods" has brought to the market several products containing these 10 super foods as the main ingredient. These include other popular (basically identical) products such as Leptovox, and Lipovox. It looks like a bandwagon supplement makers can't get on fast enough to cash in on the new found popularity.
The key component of Orovo Original are the 10 Super Foods blend, along with a few antioxidant and weight loss ingredients such as green tea, ALA, DMAE, Idebenone. Below is the supplement facts of Orovo Original:
While quite similar to the original formulation, Orovo Detox contains the 10 Super Foods, along with a very long list of 31 ingredients which make up the detoxifying blend - with so many ingredients in the list, you can be sure that they are only minimal amounts of each. Below is the supplement facts of Orovo Detox diet pills.
As the 10 Super Foods are the key components of Orovo, it is important to have an idea of what they are, and what benefits they convey. The 10 super foods which are:
Barley - is a type of whole grain that has been cultivated for thousands of years. It is a low glycemic grain, and contains high levels of dietary fiber. Barley has been shown to help lower LDL cholesterol (the bad type), help metabolize fats, and promote a healthy digestive tract. The high fiber in barley has been shown to reduce the risk of colon cancer, and it is also a good source of Vitamin B (Niacin).
Acai - Acai berries grow on acai palm trees in the amazon rain forest of brazil. The Acai berry is small and looks like a purple grape. There are many claimed health benefits of Acai, including:
Cayenne Pepper - is spicy and adds flavors to your dishes. Aside from its fiery taste, it also comes with a long list of health benefits. Cayenne pepper is high in capsaicin, which is known for its many benefits including pain relief, weight loss, fights cancer, prevent ulcers, drain congested nasal passages, among other benefits. Cayenne peppers help fight inflammation, and provides natural pain relief. They have also been shown to reduce cholesterol levels, and helps to boost the immune system.
Buckwheat - compared to rice, wheat, and corn, buckwheat provides more protein, has a low glycemic index, and is high in essential amino acids lysine and arginine. Buckwheat also contains no gluten. It is high in protein, and contains the essential amino acids. It is also a good source of alpha linolenic acid (an essential fatty acid). Like many other of the 9 super foods, Buckwheat is high in fiber. It has also been found to help lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels.
Flaxseed - Flax seed is 1/3 oil, and the rest
of it is made up of fiber, protein, and mucilage.
Flax seed oil is a rich source of essential fatty
acids - it contains alpha linolenic acid, omega 3
essential fatty acid, and omega 6 essential fatty
acid, and flax seed oil contains these 3 EFA's in
just the right proportions. Flax seeds are also a
great source of lignans, vitamins, and minerals.Flax seeds contain 12% mucilage,
which makes it a gentle, natural laxative. Flax seeds
are perfect for individuals who has a sensitive stomach.
Flax seed oil acts as a buffer
for excess stomach acids
Flax seed oil soothes ulcers
and irritable bowel disorders
Alfalfa sprout - are young shoots of alfalfa plant. Because they are nutrition rich, alfalfa sprouts are eaten as a health food. They are high in vitamins, antioxidants, and enzymes.
Lactobacillus Acidophilus
- is a probiotic, or "friendly" bacteria. Foods such as yogurt contain bacteria beneficial to our health. These friendly bacteria help the body fight against diseases by competing with the pathogens for food and nutrients.
Soy Isoflavines - there are many health benefits of consuming soy products, such as protection against various cancers, ease menopause symptoms in women, protect against prostate problems in men, improve bone health, and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Garlic - has positive effects on blood pressure, lowers blood fats, and also lowers cholesterol. Garlic even helps to prevent cancer. One German study had shown that garlic reduced cholesterol levels by 20 percent in all the test subjects. One of garlic's most potent benefit is its ability to boost the immune system.
Wheatgrass - is rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids. There are many health benefits of wheatgrass, which include:
improve the digestive system
prevent cancer, diabetes and heart disease
cure constipation
detoxify heavy metals from the bloodstream
help make menopause more manageable
promote general well-being.
Buying Orovo Detox and MLM
Orovo Original and Orovo Detox weight loss pills are not cheap - that is, unless you become an associate, which is basically a multi level marketing scheme. If you want to buy Orovo, you're almost forced into becoming a part of the MLM - the regular price is set at $80 per bottle, and associate price is set at $39.99. With prices set as such, anyone who wants to buy Orovo is almost forced to become an associate - unless you're willing to pay twice the price. But there is a catch to become an associate in this MLM - you must meet a monthly minimum purchase amount to remain active to receive the discounted price.
The Orovo MLM is a 6 x 6 matrix where you receive commission up to 6 levels of your downline. As stated on their website:
You must purchase at least 20 PVs per month in order to maintain your active associate status and participate in the income opportunity.
Where PV = product volume, and 1 PV is equal to 1 commissionable dollar. What this means is that you need to purchase at least $20 each month to keep your associate status active in the MLM and receive the discounted price.