Juiced Protein Review
Awhile back, I picked up a 2lb tub of Pinnacle's Juiced
Protein with MyoZap, which is supposed to neutralize myostatin
in your body, which is a negative regulator of muscle growth.
Theoretically, if you neutralized the myostatin, you should
experience alot more muscle gains. Or at least that's what
all the marketing and hype would have you believe.
I was skeptical to begin with, but figured I'd give it
benefit of the doubt, shell out about $40bucks, and see
how it really works. Needless to say, I was not impressed.
Myostatin and MyoZap
So, exactly what is Myostatin and MyoZap?
Myostatin, a member of the transforming
growth factor-beta superfamily, is a negative regulator
of skeletal muscle growth.1 Meaning that it limits the size and level of skeletal muscle
growth. So it's obvious that anything that can neutralize
the myostatin in our bodies, we will likely achieve more
muscle growth.
In fact, various studies have found this to be true. Where
neutralizing the myostatin lead to greater growth of skeletal
involving bovine
of myostatin on chicken muscle development
There are numerous studies of this type involving various
type of animals such as rats, chickens, and cows, showing
the negative regulating effects of myostatin on muscle growth.
MyoZap - is Pinnacle's coined word for
"cystoseira canariensis marine algae", yeah that's
a mouth full. I suppose it makes alot more sense for
their marketing dept. to use MyoZap, instead of "cystoseira
canariensis marine algae" in all their advertising.
Anyway, there are a few studies that have found that a
compound in this Cystoseira marine algae, called "sulfated
polysaccharides" binds to and regulates the bioactivity
of myostatin.2 Wow, doesn't
that sound great? Something to bind to myostatin, so you
and I can grow more muscle...
Pinnacle's Juiced Protein and MyoZap is based on nothing
other than speculation that MyoZap will neutralize myostatin
in human users, and lead to increased muscle growth. I looked
high and low, and found nothing, zilch, nada, on the effectiveness
of MyoZap in humans.
So MyoZap? I think they really should just name it "Wallet-Zap".
My Experience With Pinnacle Juiced
When I picked up my 2lb tub, I figured I'd give it a shot
anyways. And to keep things simple, I took nothing other
than Juiced Protein, one serving after each workout. No
creatine, no glutamine, or anything else. My diet, and workout
stayed the same.
This is a rather un-scientific way to measure it, but
heck, I'm no scientist.
After my 3 weeks of Juiced Protein, I had gained 0 (Zero)
pounds. What a surprise... actually, not really. Sure, 3
weeks isn't a long enough period of time perhaps, but really,
i'm not gonna shell out another $40 for another 3 weeks.
Pinnacle Juiced Protein Taste and Smell
Smell review? Most protein powders I've used have an actual
neutral, or pleasant smell, but when I took my first sniff
of juiced protein, I just about threw up. Its got this really
strange, stinky smell to it.
Btw, I bought the chocolate flavor.
How about taste? I can't say if I've tasted a protein worse
tasting than juiced protein, and I'm not exaggerating either.
My GF will attest to that as well. It mixed rather easily,
but just the smell of it made me want to pour it down the
drain... maybe I shouldn't be bashing juiced protein so
badly? But then, I'm just stating my experience with it.
First sip - that was just nasty. I supposed I didn't use
enough water, it was very, very thick, although the powder
looks dissolved, it really didn't taste that way. It kinda
felt like I was drinking mud or something. In any case,
it was horrendous. I wouldn't give it more than 1 out of
Each serving has 20g of protein, 100 calories, 2g carbs,
and 200mg of Wallet-Zap... oh wait, I meant MyoZap.
In any case, if your considering using Juiced protein,
I'd think twice, and spend your money on something that
works, tastes good, with great pricing. Something like Optimum's
100 Whey just can't be beat, or if you have a few extra
bucks to spare, go for a higher quality whey like AST
VP2 Isolate protein.
Either way, I would not recommend Juiced protein.
>> Click here for Whey Protein supplements
1. Anim Genet. 2003 Dec;34(6):438-44. Potts JK, Echternkamp
SE, Smith TP, Reecy JM. Department of Animal Science, Iowa
State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA.
2. Acta Physiol Pharmacol Bulg. 2003;27(2-3):101-6. Ramazanov
Z, Jimenez del Rio M, Ziegenfuss T. The Technological Institute,
Las Palmas, Spain.