On My Blood Work
I stated above, reading a blood test is one thing,
interpreting the results is another. For example,
the reader will note my total cholesterol (and triglycerides)
were above what is considered normal, presenting a
possible increased risk of cardiovascular disease
(CVD). However, I had not fasted for the test, which
always leads to higher numbers in blood lipids (which
is why they tell you to fast prior to blood work).
my total cholesterol tends to run about 220 anyway,
which is 20 points above what is recommend. Does that
worry me? Not at all. Total cholesterol levels are
poorly correlated to CVD, I have an exceptionally
high HDL level (giving me a favorable total cholesterol/HDL
ratio), very low homocysteine levels, low C-reactive
protein levels, high normal DHEA levels, and no family
history of CVD. Thus my real CVD risk is quite low.
Speaking of DHEA, the reason I have such favorable
DHEA levels is I take 25mg per day of DHEA. Prior
tests showed I was actually low "normal"
in DHEA for my age group, so I adjusted it upward
via a DHEA supplement. How would I have ever known
I was low in DHEA without a blood test? I wouldn't!
testosterone and free T levels are in pretty good
shape, but could be better. Thyroid could also be
better. In fact, several prior tests showed I had
sub clinical hypothyroid (low normal t3 and t4 with
high TSH) which was treated with Armour Thyroid. However,
seeing these latest results shows that although my
thyroid levels have improved, they could be far better,
thus, due to these latest tests I know I need to increase
my dose of thyroid medication to get into the high
normal range.
thyroid hormone levels means a person will have a
sub optimal metabolism for protein synthesis, keeping
bodyfat to a minimum, among the many essential functions
the thyroid hormones play in human metabolism. Again,
only blood tests will tell a person where they stand.
Conversely, I have known many bodybuilders who took
large amounts of thyroid meds in hopes of shedding
bodyfat pre contest, only to shrivel up like a raison
as their hard earned muscle mass was catabolized due
to the huge doses of thyroid meds. How does a bodybuilder
tweak thyroid levels to optimize fat loss without
losing hard earned muscle? Blood tests! Bodybuilders
and other athletes spend thousands of dollars on drugs,
but often won't spend a penny on blood tests?
you may notice one real bummer in my blood tests,
which are my IGF-1 levels. They suck! IGF-1, which
is considered a reflection of GH levels (with some
debate) have been low for me for years and I have
no explanation for it. IGF-1 levels respond to total
calorie intakes and total protein intakes, neither
of which I lack. It's one area of my blood work that
remains a bit of a mystery but I am looking into the
I don't
seem to suffer outward signs of a lack of IGF-1, and
the cost of GH replacement therapy is very expensive
and not without potential risks, so I don't consider
it an option at this time. GH HRT may or may not increase
my IGF-1 levels, though it normally does increase
IGF-1 levels. Everything else looks in good shape.
How does your blood look? Do you know?
Optimizing Hormones Levels
are some hormones that we can be altered via diet,
supplements, and or drugs, and there are some we have
little direct control over. As you can see from my
own tests, I am in pretty good shape, but not all
is perfect. By knowing what's going on with my blood,
I get a great deal of insight into what's going on
with my body in general, and can make decisions from
discussion and comments on my own tests is a the proverbial
tip of the iceberg regarding the many potential variables
that effect hormone levels, treatment options, effects
of diet, supps, and training, etc., and it's simply
too extensive a topic to cover in this article. It
should also be noted that genetics play a large part
in the equation regarding hormone levels and other
what would be an optimal level of the hormones mentioned
above and how does one achieve it? The optimal hormone
levels for adding muscle mass, minimizing bodyfat,
and having a superior metabolism in general, would
have high normal testosterone levels (total T, 800-1200,
with free T 20-25), high normal IGF-1 (250-300), DHEA
levels in the 400 - 500 range, low normal estradiol
levels**** (below 25), high normal thyroid levels
(T3, 3.5 - 4.5, T4, 8 - 12), with favorable blood
lipids and CVD risk factors (e.g., C-reactive protein,
etc), and normal kidney and liver functions. Of course
the above recommendations do not take into account
many variables, such as genetic individuality and
other possible factors, as well as other tests that
can be done.
above recommended hormone levels and other variables
can be achieved with diet, supplements, proper training,
and when needed, HRT or other drugs. As mentioned,
genetics plays a major role here. Some people simply
have higher or lower levels of various hormones then
others. At the same time, even simple changes can
effect some hormones. For example, one high level
Olympic sprinter I worked with had fairly low testosterone
levels. On examination of his diet, it was found he
was following a high carb low fat diet, which sucks
for testosterone levels*****. By altering his diet,
we were able to increase his testosterone levels by
over 30%.
Steroids & Other Drugs
what of steroids and other drugs? Steroids will of
course have profound effects on the above discussion.
Injecting say 500-1000mg per week of Sustanon (a testosterone
blend) will shoot total and free testosterone levels
far above the high normal range, and will have all
sorts of additional effects on things like estradiol
(will go up), cholesterol levels, etc, etc. The person
will also put on a considerable amount of lean bodymass
on such a regimen, but potential side effects may
occur that will have to be dealt with.
addition of other steroids, GH, insulin, anti estrogens,
etc, etc, further complicates things and adds a new
level of potential issues that are beyond the scope
of this article. Suffice it to say: (a) this article
is generally directed at people not using large doses
of steroids and other drugs (though low dose HRT is
often needed for some people to optimize their metabolism)
and (b) people that are using steroids and other drugs
that bring them far above normal lab values need to
have regular blood work done for obvious reasons,
such as seeing if the drugs are having a negative
impact on liver function, cholesterol levels, etc.
If a person is using the above example of 500mg per
week of Sustanon, there is no real reason to test
for Testosterone levels now is there?
article is designed to be a down and dirty primer
and introduction to understanding the value of regular
blood work with some strategies and pointers for optimizing
hormones and other things that negatively or positively
impact your health and ability to add lean body mass
and minimize bodyfat levels. It's not intended as
an exhaustive review of the topic or a guide to take
matters into your own hands without the guidance of
your doctor.
is intended to give the reader a solid foundation
they can work from and make bodybuilders and other
athletes realize they are throwing away literally
thousands of dollars each year on supplements, drugs,
etc., not to mention a great deal of wasted time,
if their hormones are sub optimal. See you in the
gym! !
>> Click here for Will Brink's Bodybuilding Revealed
>> Click here for Will's Fat Loss Revealed