Remember we talked earlier about the uneven pressure? Well, months and years of this uneven pressure causes discs to breakdown.
Do you have any idea what causes this uneven pressure?
It’s something so simple that it amazes me how many people, including the "back pain experts" (orthopedic specialists, chiropractors, physical therapists, etc) fail to recognize it and/or address it!!!
So what is it? Muscle Imbalances.
You see, muscle imbalances pull your bones and joints, especially the pelvis and spine, out of place and this places excess and uneven wear and tear on the body.
This is where Chiropractors come in…
The whole concept of chiropractic care is to manually move the bones and joints back into the proper position.
Makes sense right? WRONG! Why? Because the same muscles that pulled those bones and joints out of place to begin with, will do so again, usually within days.
The ONLY way to address muscle imbalances
is to first identify them, then work on correcting
them with the right combination of corrective exercises
and stretches… and any treatment that fails
to include this formula, is doomed to fail!
So when does a Herniated Disc actually
cause pain?
Typically, a herniated disc will
cause pain when it is putting pressure on a nerve
or nerves and this pain is usually felt down the backside
of the leg. However, occasionally individuals experience
pain in the disc itself or the area around it.
How do you know then what’s causing your back pain?
Whether your pain is in the disc or shooting down your leg, I am willing to bet that it has something to do with muscle imbalances.
In my opinion, it always makes sense to start at the beginning… so the first thing to do is identify what muscles imbalances you have and then begin work on correcting them.
DON’T try things like ultrasound, electrical stimulation, cortisone shots and then feel disappointed that they didn’t work… how can they? Remember, they don’t address the root cause of the problem!
I am not saying that these types of treatments don’t have a place, it’s just that they will not give you the long-term relief you are looking for. For example, ultrasound may be helpful in conjunction with a corrective exercise and stretching program but it’s not likely to do much on it’s own.
The real key is to not only treat herniated disc symptoms, but address the cause of the problem also. You can learn more about how to identify and correct your muscles imbalances in our video, Lose the Back Pain.
About Lose the Back Pain System:
- The four "physical dysfunctions" that are responsible for over 90% of all back pain
- Simple "self assessments" you can perform in just minutes, anywhere to help you pinpoint which dysfunctions you have
- 4 Step-by-Step "Corrective Action Plans" that show you exactly what you need to do to balance your body and eliminate your back pain
- the facts about back pain and other conditions like sciatic nerve pain and arthritis
- how to strengthen your lower back and abs to prevent injuries
>> Click here to order Jesse Cannone's Lose The Back Pain System and eliminate your back pain!