Leg Press / Leg Extension / Lunges Exercises
Leg Press Machine Exercise
Performing leg presses takes the pressure off the back and allows you to use very heavy weights to build mass and strength in the thighs.

Leg Press Exercise Technique & Execution
- Position yourself on a leg press machine with your legs pressed against the weight platform, and hands grabbing the side handle bars
- Press the weight up slightly to release the safeties
- Bend your knees, and lower the weight down as far as possible
- Press the weight back up to starting position
Leg Extension Exercise

Leg Extension Technique & Execution
- Sit on the leg extension machine seat, and grab hold of the handles on the two sides
- Hook your feet under the roller pads and extend your legs forward completely - do not let your body come up from the seat
- Lower the weight back down, but not completely to maintain tension in your legs during the entire exercise set
Barbell Lunges Exercise

Lunges Technique & Execution
- Support a barbell across the back of your shoulders as in a squat exercise
- Stand upright with your feet together
- Keep your head up and back straight, take a step forward with one leg and bend your knee so your other knee almost touches the floor