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Creatine 1 - Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine 2 - Creatine Effects
Creatine 3 - Types of Creatine
Creatine 4 - Using Creatine
Best Creatine Supplements - 1
Best Creatine Supplements - 2
Best Creatine Supplements - 3
Cellucor M5 Extreme
Creatine monohydrate info.
Creatine benefits
Creatine side effects
Creatine use and cycling
Creatine serum vs. powder
Creatine Monohydrate FAQ
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Diesel Energy Stix Review

Diesel Energy Powder Shot by Vabion, LLC

I was recently contacted by Vabion, LLC regarding their latest energy supplement Diesel Energy Stix. I've now had a chance to test out the Diesel energy stix over several intense workouts, and also using different doses for each of the workouts where I tested it.

Disclaimer: I was contacted by Vabion LLC regarding Diesel energy stix. I agreed to write a review on the Diesel Energy Powder. Please note, however, no payment or compensation was received in any way, and you can be sure that this review, like all other reviews on the site, are free from bias and free from manufacturer influence. I received a 10pack Diesel Stix for review.

Diesel energy powder shot is claimed to be "the world's first energy powder shot". It comes in a natural orange flavor, and its main ingredients are creatine, taurine, ribonucleic acid, and caffeine. The product is designed as purely a powdered energy supplement, that you simply rip open the 5.0g packets and consume the powder as is. Like other energy supplements, it is designed to provide an energy boost, but without the water. The product is designed for the mass market, targeting athletes such as runners, cyclists, and triathletes.

The energy powder comes in tiny 5gram packets containing 8 calories, 3g carbohydrates, 1.5g creatine, 250mg taurine, 60mg caffeine, and 80mg ribonucleic acid. One of the major benefits of these Diesel energy packets is their portability and convenience. You can easily stuff half a dozen of them in your pockets or backpack, and not even known they're there. For many, this convenience is probably preferable to carrying a bottle around with you during your workout. At the same time the minor downside to this is that you will be taking this as powder. While I had no problems with it, some individuals may not enjoy it as much as a liquid energy drink.

When I head to the gym, I carry 2 packs of the Diesel stix with me, and take them a few minutes before I start my workout. The powder is an orange flavored supplement. Taste-wise, it's decent. At first, I was expecting it to be quite sweet, since it was just a powder that I was taking, but it's actually not too sweet, and dissolves easily on your tongue.

The Diesel energy powder is an energy supplement that's targeted towards the mass market, and at a first glance at the ingredients list, I said to myself that this stuff is quite "mild". Over the past two decades since I've been lifting weights and bodybuilding seriously, I've used many energy drinks and supplements - some not so effective, and others kick your butt in high gear, so I'm not new to stimulants, and in fact, I have a rather good tolerance for stimulants. Because of this, I knew looking at the ingredients that I would not expect much of a "pick up" from using the Diesel stix. Some of the stronger energy supplements include BSN Endorush and Ultimate Orange, which contains 300mg of caffeine (equivalent to about 3 cups of coffee) compared to the 60mg of caffeine contained in Diesel Stix. The lower amount of caffeine in Diesel is not necessarily a bad thing - in fact, because of the lower dose of caffeine, most users would not end up feeling the jitteriness or shakiness associated with high amounts of caffeine. But at the same time, the stimulant effects of caffeine won't be as strong either. The 5gram powder also contains 1.5g of creatine and 250mg of taurine. You can read more about creatine here, and read more about taurine here.

After I received my Diesel Energy powder samples, I tested them out over my next several workouts, and here's what I did. First time - I followed packet instructions and took 1 pack about 5 minutes before I started my workout; second time - I took 1 pack 30 minutes before my workout, and another pack right before my workout; third time - I took 2 packs right before my workout. I have to point out that my review here is very much subjective, based on my personal experience using the energy supplement, and at the same time, I suggest reading the label instructions carefully and following the instructions. Here's how it turned out.

Diesel Energy Power (1st time / 1 pack) - I really can't say I felt much of anything the first time I took it. As my workout progressed, while I did not feel anything noticeable, my workout seemed to progress with less fatigue, and at slightly better energy levels.

Second time / 1 pack 30mintues / 1 pack right before workout - this second workout was much better, where the effects of Diesel energy powder was that much more noticeable. I had better focus, better stamina.

Third time / 2 packs right before workout - I think of the 3 different methods of taking it, this was probably the best in terms of noticeable energy and focus. This landed on an arms day, and I went through my workout rather quickly with high intensity. I was taking a bit less rest in between sets, did not feel tired, and had a nice pump going in both of my arms.

Overall, my feeling is that Diesel Energy Stix is a good energy supplement for the masses, but I have to admit that I felt it needed a little more "kick" for the more hardcore weightlifters. The 2 packs I took right before training, worked out quite well for me, and I think it would be nice if they decided to come out with a "Diesel Stix Extreme" that's a double dose of the original - or something along those lines.


May 2009