Accelerade Review
Accelerade Sports Drink
Made by Pacific Health Labs, Accelerade is a popular sports drink that's rather similar to Endurox, which is also made by Pacific Health. Accelerade is promoted as a protein enhanced sports drink that helps deliver greater sports performance than conventional sports drinks. Like Endurox, Accelerade contains a patented 4:1 carbohydrate to protein ratio that helps to extend endurance, speed up muscle recovery, enhance rehydration, and also reduce muscle damage.
There's often a certain degree of confusion among users on the difference between Endurox and Accelerade - since at first glance, everything looks basically the same, and both are made by the same company. We're going to compare some of the main differences between the two sports drinks, and also review Accelerade.
The Science Behind the 4:1 Ratio
There are many studies done on this subject in the past, and a search on PubMed yields plenty of results documenting the benefits of a protein-carbohydrate sports drink over a carbohydrate drink alone. In our Endurox review, we posted several studies done on this subject, so there's no need to bore you with too many clinical studies. We'll just share one study here:
Effects of a Carbohydrate-Protein Beverage on Cycling Endurance and Muscle Damage. 1
This study was designed to determine whether endurance cycling performance and post-exercise muscle damage were altered when consuming a carbohydrate and protein beverage. The beverages supplied to the participants were a protein (1.8%) and carbohydrate (7.3% concentration) versus a carbohydrate (7.3%) only drink.
15 male cyclists cycled to exhaustion, and followed with a second ride to exhaustion 12-15hours later. The subjects were randomly assigned either a protein-carbohydrate drink, or a carbohydrate only drink to be consumed every 15 minutes of exercise, and immediately after exercise. 7 to 14 days later, the same protocol was repeated with the subjects using the other beverage.
The study found that the protein-carbohydrte drink allowed the subjects to ride 29% longer compared to the carbohydrate only drink, and in the second ride, subjects performed 40% longer when consuming the protein-carbohydrate drink. This lead the researchers to conclude that a carbohydrate-protein drink produced significant improvements in time to fatigue, and also reduced muscle damage