Once your nutrition, training and recovery bases are covered, there is some solid research showing that certain supplements may be beneficial, especially for athletes engaged in extremely hard training.
Carbohydrate consumed with lean protein immediately after training has a cortisol suppressing effect. High glycemic index (GI) carbs in particular, cause an insulin spike, which not only helps restore muscle glycogen, stimulates protein synthesis and kick starts the recovery process, it also helps lower the exercise-induced rise in cortisol. The research supporting this practice is substantial. (This should serve as a warning to people on low carb diets that are so strict that they don't even allow small amounts of carbs after workouts). Rather than solid food, many athletes prefer a liquid meal using a commercial post workout drink containing whey protein and maltodextrin plus dextrose or glucose (fast acting protein and high GI carbs) because the rapid absorption time may speed recovery.
Vitamin C, known mainly for cold or flu protection and antioxidant properties, may decrease cortisol levels. A study by Marsit, et al showed a reduction in cortisol levels in elite weightlifters taking 1000 mg. of vitamin C per day. Other studies have reported similar findings.
Phosphatidyl serine (PS) is a phospholipid, which appears to have cortisol suppressing properties. Studies by Fahey and Monteleone have shown that daily doses of 800 mg can reduce cortisol. These studies did not conclude that PS would help you lose weight or gain more muscle.
Glutamine is an amino acid, which in some studies, has been shown to decrease cortisol and prevent a decrease in protein synthesis. Many strength athletes swear by glutamine for improved recovery, but the research is still not conclusive about efficacy or dosages for athletes or bodybuilders. Much of the research on Glutamine was performed on patients recovering from surgery, burns or traumas (severe stresses to the body).
Acetyl-L Carnitine (ALC) has been studied in Alzheimers
patients as a method of improving cognitive function. One
study showed that long term use of Acetyl L Carnitine lowered
cortisol in the Alzheimers patients. Research on rats and
mice has shown that ALC increases luteinizing hormone, which
may in turn elevate testosterone. Whether these findings
carry over to healthy athletes has yet to be proven, but
some coaches and athletes believe that ALC lowers cortisol
and elevates testosterone.
It's important to note that the research on some of these
substances is often conflicting and inconclusive. It's also
important to note that many of the cortisol suppressing
supplements which are marketed to athletes or to people
seeking weight loss do not contain doses anywhere near the
amounts that were used in the research. (Yet another way
supplement companies deceive consumers).
How can you lower your cortisol levels naturally?
You can lower cortisol naturally. In fact, if you are overtrained, unnatural cortisol suppression may be nothing more than a band aid, and continued overtraining can lead to adrenal exhaustion, which could take months to remedy. Sometimes the best thing you can do is take a rest or decrease your training volume and intensity rather than artificially attempt to suppress cortisol. Symptoms of overtraining include elevated resting pulse, sleep disturbances, fatigue, decreased strength and decreased performance.
* Avoid very low calorie diets, especially for prolonged periods of time. Low calorie dieting is a major stress to the body. Low calorie diets increase cortisol while decreasing testosterone.
* Use stress reduction techniques (stress, anger, anxiety, and fear can raise cortisol)
* Avoid continuous stress. Stress is an important part of growth. It? when you remain under constant stress without periods of recovery that you begin breaking down.
* Avoid overtraining by keeping workouts intense, but brief (cortisol rises sharply after 45-60 min of strength training)
* Avoid overtraining by matching your intensity, volume and duration to your recovery ability. Decrease your training frequency, and or take a layoff if necessary.
* Suppress cortisol and maximize recovery after workouts with proper nutrition: Consume a carb-protein meal or drink immediately after your workout.
* Get plenty of quality sleep (sleep deprivation, as a stressor, can raise cortisol).
* Avoid or minimize use of stimulants; caffeine, ephedrine, synephrine, etc.
* Limit alcohol (large doses of alcohol elevate cortisol).
* Stay well hydrated (at least one study has suggested that dehydration may raise cortisol).
How do you spot a weight loss pill scam?
The cortisol pill is just one in a long string of bogus weight loss products, and it won't be the last! Why? Because weight loss supplements are big business! Eight or nine figure fortunes have been made from the sales of a single product, which was later proven to be a total farce.
How do you protect yourself? Do your homework! Don't take anything unless you know exactly what's in the product, why it's in the product and how much is in the product. Review the scientific research. Don't buy a weight loss product just because a radio personality says it works! Don'tjump on the phone with your credit card in hand after watching a thirty-minute infomercial! In this day and age, you have to be smarter than that!
Excessive cortisol is not good. But cortisol is not inherently bad; it't a vitally important hormone and part of your body's natural stress response. Cortisol does not make you fat. Stress does not make you fat. Stress may lead to increased appetite. Increased appetite may lead to eating too much. Eating too much makes you gain fat. Make sense?
Cortisol suppressing agents may have some practical uses. But rather than thinking of cortisol supplements as a weight loss miracle (which they most surely are not), get yourself on a solid exercise and nutrition program and seek natural ways enhance recovery and reduce stress. By doing this first, you may be pleasantly surprised to find that you?e losing fat and gaining muscle and there isn? even a need to take a supplement at all.
>> Click here for Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle program