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Reduce Pain and Inflammation

10 Foods That Reduce Inflammation and Pain Naturally

By Lose the Back Pain Institute

Far too many people live with chronic pain.  Whether western medicine has let them down or they're just tired of having to take over the counter pain medication, a lasting and natural solution may be sitting on the dinner table right now.

Let's take a look inside Mother Nature's medicine cabinet...

1. Alfalfa.  The leaves of the alfalfa plant are rich in vitamins, protein and minerals however beyond the high levels of basic nutrients it is also a natural anti-arthritic due to its high Chlorophyll content.  

Alfalfa can be found at your local market or in your health food store.  It is most often found in the form of sprouts, however juice and supplement capsules are also beneficial.

2. Chamomile.  Chamomile is widely known as a natural relaxant and is most commonly found in tea however it is also an anti spasmodic and an anti inflammatory.  The easiest and tastiest way to consume this flower is with a regular cup of tea.

3. Fenugreek.  Fenugreek is an herb most commonly used to season curry.  You can eat the plant's leaves, seeds, and sprouts.  Look for it in your local ethnic or Indian market.  The greens and sprouts are a tasty addition to a salad and the seeds provide excellent seasoning to a variety of meats, stews, and sauces. 

Fenugreek is an anti-inflammatory and has phyto steroid properties to help rebuild tissues.  Recently it has been tested for it's affects on cancer.

4. Flax.  Omega 3 fatty acids have been studied in depth for their anti inflammatory properties as well as their ability to help the body heal and regenerate.  It has also been linked to fighting cancer and reversing diabetes. 

 It can also be consumed as a tea.

5. Ginger is a delicious seasoning for a variety of foods.  From tea to ice cream Ginger is easy to consume and provided tremendous health benefits.  It helps to stimulate blood flow for improved circulation and it is an anti inflammatory.  Less inflammation means less pain.

Ginger is just one of the 11 powerful pain fighting ingredients in "Heal-n-Soothe".

Thousands of people are reporting great results - many have even been able to dump their existing medications for this all-natural alternative.

6. Licorice.  No, not those black candy whips you find at the grocery!  Licorice is a root.  In Italy it isn't uncommon to see people chewing on the root as a snack or breath freshener. 

Take care though, too much pure licorice can be dangerous.  It is an anti-inflammatory and is rich in phytosteroids.

7. Salmon.  Salmon is a food source rich in omega three fatty acids which have been proven to provide a variety of health benefits the least of which is as an anti-inflammatory to treat arthritis.

8. Rosemary. Rosemary is an excellent food to treat pain because it naturally eases nerve and muscle tension and pain.  It's even good for chronic headaches.  It contains salicin which is a natural form glycoside - which aspirin is made from. 

Rosemary can be found anywhere and is an excellent herb for flavoring meats, salad dressings, stews, soups, sauces and even tea.

9. Sage.  Sage isn't just for Thanksgiving Day dressing.  Sage helps improve achy muscles and inflammation and is great to keep your mind clear.  Sage is actually in the mint family and is exceptional for flavoring food. 

White sage is a strong anti inflammatory and is most often consumed as tea while common sage can be consumed as tea or used to season food.

10. Shitake mushroom.  Shitake has most recently been used to treat immune deficiency resulting from chemotherapy, hepatitis, aids and other chronic infections.  It is a strong cancer fighter and anti viral.  It is an excellent treatment to arthritis and chronic joint pain. 

Shitake mushrooms can be enjoyed raw, saut?ed, baked, added to just about any meal and they're easy to find in your local supermarket.

This is by no means an exhaustive list... there are tons of other "super foods" and the more whole foods you can eat the better.

Chronic pain doesn't have to rule your life.  Nature has provided us with a wealth of healthy solutions and treatments for what ails us.  Take a look in your refrigerator and see what remedies are right in front of you.

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