For lunch at work or school you can cook foods such as chicken, beef, turkey, rice, pasta, etc. ahead of time and put them in a Tupperware container to reheat in the microwave. Make sandwiches such as tuna, roast beef, turkey, etc. Mix a protein shake and take it with you in a thermos or shaker bottle. Take a protein / meal replacement bar. Take fruits and vegetables i.e. apples, bananas, carrots, etc.
For dinner you can eat basically any meat and potatoes type of meal. Get some cook books and lean to make some good mouth watering meals. The tastier you make your meals the easier it will be to eat the volume of food necessary to build maximum muscle mass.
Good snacks to eat during day include dried fruit and nuts, cottage cheese, yoghurt, cereal and milk, fresh fruit, protein bars, and protein shakes, etc.
If you are really serious about making solid muscle gains, as well learning how to sculpt that raw mass into a lean and muscular physique.
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