Your pronouncement is your "coming out." It can involve very personal meanings and is different for each person. It often involves a dramatic statement or gesture that signals a break from the past. You're declaring that the rest of your life will be different from your past. Your coming out could be as simple as buying a workout mat to do your abdominal exercise or joining a gym.
Starting your abdominal exercise program also involves making slight adjustments in your world. Move your exercise equipment to a more convenient location or join a gym that is on your way to or from work, or close enough so you can do your abdominal exercises on your lunch hour, rather than one you have to make an effort to get to.
In this phase, you should give yourself plenty of positive
reinforcement. Promise yourself a treat if you do your abdominal
exercises today. Call a friend you haven't talked to in
a while, or get tickets to some show or concert or ballgame
you would like to see. Use your imagination to reward yourself
for signs of progress.
Step 5: Abdominal Exercises – Keeping on
You know that you've been keeping on when you can successfully overcome new obstacles that get in the way and not lose the gains you've made in Step 4. Mastering this stage is crucial if abdominal exercises are to be an integral part of the rest of your life.
The techniques for keeping on are the sum of everything that got you this far. So whatever tricks work for you, use them. It doesn't matter if they're different from the ones that help your best friend or that work for Cindy Crawford.
Remember what we said earlier: The stage you're in for your quest in implementing an ab exercise changes all the time. You may work yourself all the way up to Step 5, but then you get sick or injured, or take a trip, or otherwise get distracted.
You may have fallen to Step 2. Maybe even to square one. Nothing magical about reaching the final Step 5 will keep you there. If you find yourself at some lower level, you have to use the techniques appropriate to that level to climb back up. Then you may have to use bits of them to keep on keeping on.
Good luck: I hope you enjoy all the wonderful benefits of an effective abdominal exercise program. And don’t forget, click here to take our FREE Fitness Analysis for a free sample strength training program (with abdominal exercises) and for the book, Big Fat lies!
>> Click here for the Global Health and Fitness Program
Beginner Ab Exercise
Guide Part 1
Beginner Ab Exercise
Guide Part 2
Beginner Ab Exercise
Guide Part 3