Calf Muscle Training - Calf Exercises
Advanced Calf Muscle Developmen
By Patrick Kraak
"We've received a number of requests for Patrick Kraak's great calf-blasting program, so We've decided to reprint it. If you haven't tried it yet, what are you waiting for? Thanks again Patrick.
Calf Muscle Workout and Exercise
Below I have a Calf training program, which will make even the "no calves at all" people add a few inches!
Here's how it works:
I usually train my calves every Tuesday and Friday. But sometimes you have a grow-stop [training plateau] which seems to last forever. That is the moment I fall back on this schedule. But it will hurt like hell! I use it only once and a while, when I really need to.
If you follow this program for 6 weeks, you will not be able to walk normal for that time. But my calves grew in 6 weeks 2 cm. (I'm sorry in Holland we count in Centimeters)
Tuesday Calf Muslce Workout:
First warm up your calves with only some calf-raises on the stairs or something for 2 x 20 reps with only your bodyweight.
Then you go to the standing calf-raise machine. And you put the weight on 30kg. (about one third of the weight you can do 15 reps max with). And you start training rep after rep, it will burn like hell but you keep continuing till you have done 100 reps.
At a point (in my case at about 50 reps) you will not be able to break through the pain anymore.