Bodybuilding Tips and Tricks
Bodybuilding Tip #1: Calves
Calves are often the most neglected body part to train in a bodybuilding routine. Its relatively small, and the results of doing calve exercises more often than not are hard to notice, let alone be awe-inspiring as your chest may look after an intense workout. That is not to say that your calves aren't as important as the rest of your body. You don't want a huge upper body and no calves - proportion matters! So getting working on those calves, and check out our bodybuilding tip for you!
Bodybuilding Tip
Angling your feet while doing calf raises isn't the best way to target the different heads of your gastrocnemius(calves). Instead, try using wide and narrow stances to achieve much better results. A narrow stance - about shoulder width or slightly narrower - forces you to rise on the outside of your feet, stressing the outter head of the calves. A wider stance - slightly wider than shoulder width will force you to rise up on your big toes, transfering most of the resistance to your inner calves.