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Calories to Lose Weight

How Many Calories to Lose Weight Fast

Being overweight or obese is a common health problem that many face, and sedentary lifestyles and poor dietary choices have resulted in increased incidences of obesity. One of the first approaches of losing weight is restricting calories and/or combining this with an exercise program to increase calorie expenditure. But how many calories do you need to loose weight? How do you determine how many calories to lose weight at a healthy pace?

First of all, do you know how much calories you currently consume on a daily and weekly basis? If not, then you need to figure that out now, and this is not all that difficult. Simply keep a food journal for one or two weeks, keeping tracking of everything you eat. In you food journal make six columns that looks like this:

Food name  ||  Amount (g)  ||  Protein (g)  ||  Carbs  ||  Fats  ||  Total Calories

At the bottom of the list for each day, tally your totals for proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and total calories consumed. Using this, you can also determine where your calories are coming from - are too many of your calories coming from fats? Simply take the total amount of protein and carbs and multiply by 4 to get calories from protein and calories from carbs, and multiply fat grams by 9 to get total calories from fats. Divide these by the Total Calories consumed, and you get a percentage breakdown of where your calories are coming from.

Determining How Many Calories for Weight Loss

So, how did you do? How much calories are you consuming daily and weekly? And where are most of your calories coming from - is it from proteins, fats, or carbohydrates? Or do you have a good balanced diet?

Now that you know how much calories you consume regularly, the next step to take is to figure out how many calories do you expend. One way is to use a RMR/BMR calculator to figure out how much calories you burn daily. Alternatively, you can quickly estimate how much calories you need using the following rule of thumb.

For weight loss:
Your body weight X 10 to 12 = The range of your daily caloric intake
For maintaining: 
Your body weight X 13 to 15 = The range of your daily caloric intake
For bulking up:
Your body weight X 16 to 18 = The range of your daily caloric intake

Please keep in mind that these are just general guidelines for estimating your calories, and are not as accurate as a RMR calculator.

So for a 200 pound person, their maintenance calorie intake should be somewhere between 2600 to 3000 calories:

200lb x 13 = 2600 calories
200lb x 15 = 3000 calories

Now, if that individual wanted to lose weight, their calories intake should be between 2000 to 2400 calories per day:

200lb x 10 = 2000 calories
200lb x 12 = 2400 calories

This means a reduction of calorie consumption of roughly 600 per day on average which gives a weekly total calorie reduction of 4,200.

So what happens after this individual has lost 10lbs and wants to continue losing weight? How many calories will he/she need to continue losing weight? With a new body weight, the calculations will be slightly different, and the calorie intake will need to be adjusted for the new body weight of 190lbs.

To continue losing weight at 190lbs, the calorie intake should be:

190 x 10 = 1900
190 x 12 = 2280

So this individual's new calorie intake should range between 1900 to 2280, a further reduction from the previous 2000 to 2400 calories per day. If they stayed with the same calorie consumption, they will start finding that it gets harder and harder to loose weight. Obviously, you can only reduce your calories by so much, and you will eventually hit the dreaded weight loss plateau. But hopefully, if you have a good training program in place with your diet, it will help you reach your goal weight or come close to it.

However, many people going through weight loss eventually encounter the weight loss plateau sooner or later, and it seems that no matter what they do and try, they can no longer lose weight. At times like these, you need some external help to get you through the plateau. You need a proven weight loss system that can help you achieve long term success at losing weight and keeping it off.

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