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Sports Nutrition Guide - Part 3 The Glycemic Index & Food

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The Glycemic Index (GI) & Food You Eat

When you eat certain foods, insulin release results from the food you eat, and you have a good control of this by the foods you choose to eat. There are simple carbs, and complex carbs - actually I think there's something like 5 types of carbs like monosachrides, polysacharides, and etc... To keep things simple, we just say simple and complex carbs.

Carbs are just sugar. Simple carbs are just sugar, and is absorbed into the blood stream very fast. Complex carbs like that from rice, bread and pasta, take time to breakdown, and takes longer to absorb.

So what's this got to do with the glycemic index?

The Glycemic Index measures the ability of how quickly (or slowly) a carbohydrate food can raise blood sugar levels. In general, simple carbs tend to be high on the glycemic index (since they raise blood sugar levels relatively fast), and complex carbs are lower on the glycemic index - since they take more time to break down.

Significance of The Glycemic Index for Foods

As mentioned above, the glycemic index relates to your blood sugar's effect on the hormone insulin, which plays many key roles in your bodily functions. As a simple example, let's consider dextrose - a simple carbohydrate many use together with creatine post workout - see my homemade cell-tech recipe here.

When you take a large amount of dextrose (35g to 70g), your blood sugar level increases rapidly, and in response, your body releases insulin to quickly bring your blood sugar level down to normal. What it's doing is forcing the excess blood sugar into the cells, and at the same time, the creatine gets a piggy back on this "shoving" process, and gets absorbed better.

When you eat foods low on the glycemic index (complex carbs), the insulin response is much more mild, since the food increases your blood sugar level at a slower rate, unlike simple carbs. Below lists some significance of the glycemic index:

  • Low glycemic index food keep you fuller for longer
  • Low GI food can help improve diabetes control
  • Low glycemic index foods help improve your body's sensitivity to insulin
  • Low GI foods are beneficial for people trying to lose weight
  • Low glycemic foods lead to smaller rise in blood sugar
  • About the only time you would want to consume a high glycemic index carbohydrate is immediately after workouts

Below are the glycemic index of various foods.

The Glycemic Index of Food

Cereals GI Snacks GI
All Bran 51 chocolate bar 49
Bran Buds + psyll 45 corn chips 72
Bran Flakes 74 croissant 67
Cheerios 74 doughnut 76
Corn Chex 83 graham crakers 74
Cornflakes 83 jelly beans 80
Cream of Wheat 66 Life Savers 70
Frosted Flakes 55 oatmeal cookie 57
Grapenuts 67 pizza, cheese & tom 60
Life 66 Pizza Hut, supreme 33
muesli, natural 54 popcorn, light micro 55
Nutri-grain 66 potato chips 56
oatmeal, old fach 48 pound cake 54
Puffed Wheat 67 Power bars 58
Raisin Bran 73 pretzels 83
Rice Chex 89 saltine crakers 74
Shredded Wheat 67 shortbread cookies 64
Special K 54 Snikers bar 41
Total 76 strawberry jam 51
Fruit vanilla wafers 77
apple 38 Wheat Thins 67
apricots 57 Crackers
banana 56 graham 74
cantalope 65 rice cakes 80
cherries 22 rye 68
dates 103 soda 72
grapefruit 25 Wheat Thins 67
grapes 46 Cereal Grains
kiwi 52 barley 25
mango 55 basmati white rice 58
orange 43 bulgar 48
papaya 58 couscous 65
peach 42 cornmeal 68
pear 58 millet 71
pineapple 66 Sugars
plums 39 fructose 22
prunes 15 honey 62
raisins 64 maltose 105
watermelon 72 table sugar 64

The Glycemic Index

Pasta GI Beans GI
cheese tortellini 50 baked 44
fettucini 32 black beans, boiled 30
linguini 50 butter, boiled 33
macaroni 46 cannellini beans 31
spagh, 5 min boiled 33 garbanzo, boiled 34
spagh, 15 min boiled 44 kidney, boiled 29
spagh, prot enrich 28 kidney, canned 52
vermicelli 35 lentils, green, brown 30
Soups/Vegetables lima, boiled 32
beets, canned 64 navy beans 38
black bean soup 64 pinto, boiled 39
carrots, fresh, boil 49 red lentils, boiled 27
corn, sweet 56 soy, boiled 16
green pea, soup 66 Breads
green pea, frozen 47 bagel, plain 72
lima beans, frozen 32 baquette, Frnch 95
parsnips 97 croissant 67
peas, fresh, boil 48 dark rey 76
split pea soup w/ham 66 hamburger bun 61
tomato soup 38 muffins
Drinks apple, cin 44
apple juice 40 blueberry 59
colas 65 oat & raisin 54
Gatorade 78 pita 57
grapefruit juice 48 pizza, cheese 60
orange juice 46 pumpernickel 49
pineapple juice 46 sourdough 54
Milk Products rye 64
chocolate milk 35 white 70
custard 43 wheat 68
ice cream, van 60 Root Crops
ice milk, van 50 french fries 75
skim milk 32 pot, new, boiled 59
soy milk 31 pot, red, baked 93
tofu frozen dessert 115 pot, sweet 52
whole milk 30 pot, white, boiled 63
yogurt, fruit 36 pot, white, mash 70
yogurt, plain 14 yam 54

So to get an idea of what these numbers mean, here's a general guide line:

  • Low glycemic food = 55 or less
  • Medium glycemic food = 56 - 69
  • High glycemic foods = 70 or higher

Simple right? All you need to do, is try to consume foods lower than 55 on the glycemic index. ;-)

For my diet, below are some foods which I ate often as primary sources of carbohydrates for my meals:

  • Long grain white rice - 56
  • Yams - 73
  • Green beans - 30
  • Carrots - 49
  • Grape fruit - 25
  • Grapes - 46
  • Pine apple - 66
  • Corn - 56
  • Green pea - 47

In general, most vegetables and fruits are good choices since they are low on the glycemic index - not to mention the many healthy benefits eating plenty of greens provide. Depending on your diet and nutrition preferences, you can use the glycemic index to make ideal selections of foods to eat as part of your diet.

>> Continue to part 4: Meals and planning

>> Click for Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey 5lb
>> Click here for Prolab Creatine, or Micronized Creatine
>> Click here for Optimum L-Glutamine
>> Click here for 100% Egg Protein
>> Click here for Pro Complex
>> Click here for 100% Natural Whey Protein