Olympic sprinters naturally have a much greater than average amount of fast twitch fibers, and are naturally strong and quick. The downside of having a high ratio of fast twitch fibers are that they tire quickly; thus, and Olympic sprinter would make a terrible distance runner. Lets now move on to the three common body types, what types of muscle fibers they have, and what the best workouts are for them. Keep in mind that through training the ratios of muscle fibers can be changed.
Ectomorphs are naturally thin and don’t have much body fat. They make good long distance runners, and generally can eat a lot of food without gaining weight. Their predominantly slow twitch, “dark meat,” musculature gives them great endurance and the ability to have a low bodyfat (slow twitch fibers use a lot of oxygen and consequentially a lot of fat for their energy) The problem is that many of them don’t want to be skinny runners; they want to be big weightlifters. The best option for the endomorph is a program that converts a lot of their slow twitch fibers into fast twitch fibers, so that a bodybuilding program, which utilizes mostly fast twitch fibers, can be most effective.
In order to increase the amount of fast twitch fibers, you need to embark on a low rep and high weight training program. Something in the 4-8 repetition range would be perfect. This is classified as strength training, so you could choose a strength training workout. Or, you could take a bodybuilding program and change the rep ranges from the 8-12 rep range to the 4-8 rep range. You don’t need to do any cardiovascular work as an ectomorph because you naturally can burn fat quickly, so focus your efforts on a strength training program.
Endomorphs are naturally strong and muscular, but also
somewhat overweight (unless they have an excellent diet).
Endomorphs have a high ratio of fast twitch muscle fibers,
so they will find that a bodybuilding program will quickly
allow them to put on muscle. However, they will always have
to battle their bodyfat. Thus, the best plan for an endomorph
is to concentrate on their cardiovascular work. An endomorph
doesn’t need to worry about losing too much muscle
on a weight loss program as other types of people do, and
an extremely aggressive weight loss/ cardiovascular program
is the most appropriate.
I would recommend an endomorph lift weights three times a week, regardless of their experience, and do cardio at least 3 times a week. Optimally, they would have three days of pure cardio and also do a reduced amount of cardio after each strength training session. Only until they get down to their desired bodyfat would they incorporate more weight training and less cardiovascular training.
I don’t need to say much about mesomorphs; they naturally are both muscular and cut. The best plan for a mesomorph is a balanced workout plan. I would like to warn them of the danger of complacency though. Many mesomorphs are so used to their naturally good build that they neglect to have a proper diet, and thus later in life find themselves overweight, out of shape, and unhealthy. If you don’t believe me, just look at many retired pro athletes, many of whom are natural mesomorphs, and tell me what kind of shape they are in.
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